Our Family

A Tea Party Princess, a Skunk and a Home Video in the Works

Audrey got to go a little girl’s birthday tea party.  Serenity fixed her hair and did such a cute job.  I am one thankful mother to have a girl who knows how to work with hair!

Aren’t these little girls adorable?

 In other news here at the ranch, we had another skunk tear this open and stay the night, and maybe the next night and who know’s… we’re not for sure where it is at this point!  Thankfully, it’s not anything like the last experience we had with a skunk under our house. (if you haven’t read that post, it’s a must read)

And lastly, we are having a good time with a friend of the boy’s visiting.  They are making a home video that is really turning out great.  Can’t wait to share it.  Of course, my kids are starring in it so it makes it extra fun for me.


  • Lily

    I read your other skunk post…hilarious! (as long as you keep the skunks in Az.) It’s too cold for them here at present, despite it being a very mild winter this year. Ok, I had to look it up to make sure that statement was correct. I thought they hibernated, but they do not, although they do use stored body fat to sustain them through the winter, and have periods (days or weeks) of inactivity. Now Isaac’s asking all kinds of questions about skunks, so I’m off to learn more!

    Judging by the picture, your video should be very interesting! 😉

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