Holidays,  Our Family

A Night on The Town & Some Cute Gingerbread Houses

My hubby and I have had good intentions through the years to take our children out on individual “dates” but we haven’t been consistent in it at all.  So we decided since we’re not doing that well taking them out individually, we’ll do it together. What I mean is Russell & I will go together with the child instead of just one of us going.

We’ve already gone on 2 dates this month.  I could really get into this!  I like eating out. 🙂  No cooking, no dishes…  Are we on the same page?

First we went to Wal-Mart since Audrey wanted to go shopping.:)  Shopping she did – all up and down the toy aisles v.e.r.y. s.l.o.w.l.y., pushing buttons on everything she saw.  We finally had to prod her after about at hour, saying we should probably go eat.

Audrey wanted to eat at Golden Corral since they now offer cotton candy and they have a chocolate fountain.  Ohhh, boy.  Now, we’re talking.  This is totally her language. 🙂

Then we were off to see gingerbread houses.

I thought this battleship was great but it didn’t even win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.

gingerbread houses

Here’s an up close picture of Santa. Can you see his breath? I thought that was clever.

gingerbread houses Santa Claus on Battleship

Penguins Sledding

Notice the penguin on the back of the hill bungee jumping?

gingerbread houses penguin  sledding

I thought this one looked homey.

gingerbread houses

This display did a great job depicting the Prescott courthouse and everything around it.

gingerbread houses - Prescott Courthouse

I’ve made a few gingerbread houses and it’s not as easy as it looks, not to mention it’s a lot of work, so I was impressed with everyone’s creations.

It was a lovely evening.  Further updates on Audrey:  she lost her 2nd tooth this week and she’s started her phonics program.  My last baby has started school!


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