Craft Corner

Make Your Own Burp Cloths

I don’t know what exactly inspired me to try making burp cloths but for whatever reason I decided to make some.  I found inspiration online.  As always!  Barb at A Chelsea Morning had some that she had made that I thought were adorable and then I found Laundry Monster on Etsy who has a great variety for sale and they are cute! 

Here are the ones I made.

My supplies were:
Pre-folded Birdseye Diapers
1/4 – 1/2 yard fabric – depending on how many burp cloths you would like to make
(I chose flannel instead of cotton because I’m thinking the spit-up from the baby will absorb better, but it may not make much difference at all.)
Thread to match fabric
Dylon Permanent Fabric Dye

That’s all the supplies you need.

There are several ways to make burp cloths but I decided to make mine like Barb at Chelsea Morning and Laundry Monster (who hand dyes her diapers).

burp cloths using Dylon Permanent Fabric Dye - made for Sarah Strunk

The most time consuming part was the hand dyeing and next time I would do that in my washing machine. Ehow has instructions on how to use your front loader to dye things.

burp cloths using Dylon Permanent Fabric Dye - made for Sarah Strunk

I’m going to put a package of pacifiers on top, tie it all with a ribbon and give as a baby gift.

A very simple project that anyone can make.

From a beginning crafter,

I'm linking up to Sugar Bee Craft Edition.  Be sure to check out what other projects have been made this week.


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