Our Family

Our 20 Year Wedding Anniversary

20 years ago Russell and I tied the knot.  But it was a double knot tied that day for my sister was married also.

She was 25 and I had just turned 20.

In some ways it feels like a lifetime ago and in others it seems only a few years.

Dad bore it all quite well.  He was dealing with quite a bit.  Marrying off two daughters and having a wife (my mom) having a mastectomy just 3 weeks prior.


Looking back I think I was so young and naive.  Thankfully, God was directing my footsteps and gave me a wonderful man to share my life with.  My dear husband has helped me grow stronger as a person and has always believed in me.  I had so many hang-ups when we married but he has faithfully encouraged me through the years.  Thanks dear-heart.


Happy day


Towards evening, when the reception was winding down, Russell and I made our get-away in a helicopter.  That was a fun and memorable moment.  Everyone’s hair was blowing along with their skirts.  It was like something out of a movie.

Thanks for joining me in a tribute to our 20 years of marriage.  Alas, we won’t be doing anything special today for we’ll be down at the rodeo grounds with our children for the next 4 days while they show and sell their animals for 4-H.  We’ll be hot, dusty and tired but that’s all part of marriage, too.  Twenty years later we are a family now with 6 kids.  Blessed we are!

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.  ~Author Unknown


Copyright 2009 Treasuring the Moments


  • foxvalleyfamily

    Those photos are SO sweet! How special that you got to share your wedding with your sister! (and you both look sooooo young!)

    Happy anniversary!


  • Anonymous

    I wanted to stop in again and wish you a happy anniversary. It was an honor to be a part of your day. So glad we have been able to stay in contact all these years and you mean all the more to us. Love you all – you are very special and have meant so much to SO many people.

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