Our Family

All Night, All Day, Angels Watching Over Me, My Lord

The last few days have proven quite eventful.  First, Zachary and Wesley went down to saddle up the horses for a ride when they heard noises in the bushes.  Upon investigating they found our dog Rosie with 10 puppies.  10 puppies!!  What are we going to do with 10 puppies??!! 

Our nearest neighbor is 2 miles away so we thought we would be safe from straying males.  No deal.  One of the neighbors bird dogs came visiting, apparently.  The kids are really enjoying having them but there is the slight problem of  what are we going to do with 10 puppies??

After the excitement of the puppies the boys finally got the horses saddled.  Wesley, being a novice horseman, tightened up the cinch too tight on his saddle.  Beauty did not like this too much and tried to let him know the first round by bucking once.  This was ignored until a little bit later when she really decided she’d had enough.  She got to bucking and poor Wesley, although he tried valiantly to hang on, was finally sent flying through the air and landed on his back.  His first experience riding a buckin’ bronco.  I think he’s learned to pay more attention to what his horse is trying to communicate in a not-so-subtle way.

Today Justus hit his head on some rocks and had to have 12 stitches.  He was a brave little boy at the doctors office but after the pain killer wore off he was hurting a bit.

I will say of the Lord,

He is my refuge and my fortress:  

my God; in him will I trust.  (Psalms 91:2)


Yesterday, I was able to capture this bird on camera.  I was delighted that I was able to get so close to it and that it stayed still long enough for me to take a few shots. 

Due to Charlotte Mason’s writings on the subject of nature, I’m trying to be more conscious of animal and plant life and pass on a love of it to my children.  I wish I could say what kind of bird this is but I can’t.  Even though I consulted different books I’m still at a loss as to know what its name is.  Somebody, help me out, please.



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