Home Organization

Decluttering My Home

I’m excited.

I have been waiting for this moment for quite a while…. since at least the beginning of the year. I just needed 5 months to get to it!

Taking on the Freeing Task of Decluttering

I’m getting ready to start decluttering closets and any other area that needs some attention and then I’ll be getting things into a more organized state around here.

Paperwork, decluttering under the bathroom sink, whipping the pantry into shape again, drawers… I’m going to get to it.

I’m even going to get to those canned goods that are outdated that I’ll never use. πŸ™‚

Clutter in my home is clutter in my mind. I’ve experienced it before. When you get rid of things, it’s invigorating and you feel so much lighter.

I’m not looking to have a sparsely furnished home – minimalist style. That’s not me. I like some things on display to give it a warm look. But just maybe I’ll find extra stuff that’s not being used which needs a new home where it will be needed and appreciated.

I’ll be using a combination of two books as I approach my decluttering challenge.

the life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo and The Home Decluttering Diet by Jennifer Lifford.

I’ll ask myself, “Does this bring joy?” when sorting through items. I know there are going to be some things that will be a real struggle for me to sort but moving forward in areas that are easier for me first will help with the motivation once I get to the difficult items.

A 30-Day Home Detox

My first 30 days I will be doing the 30-Day Home Detox Plan as outlined by Jennifer Lifford inΒ  The Home Decluttering Diet book mentioned above. Her premise is that when we detox while doing a 30 day detox, a 30 day home detox will help us clear out all those items that are clogging up our home. Our home will “lose weight” quickly and it will keep motivation high as you start on the next steps of doing a deeper cleaning room by room.

It’s amazing the amount of things you amass as you go through life. It can be pretty overwhelming as the years go by and to be honest it’s a little intimidating to be saying I’m going to do all this. Even though I’m excited, I’m thinking what if I get hung up on my “things” thinking I’ll use it some day etcetera?

You, my friend, will be my accountability partner as I go through this. I will be keeping you posted of my progress as I go along, even if it’s slow. πŸ™‚

And if you want to join in that will be even better! Your library may have the two books I mentioned. Anytime is a good time to get things in order so even if you can’t start this week, there’s always next week or even next month. I took 5 months to get started on this so I understand.

Start with small blocks of time if that’s all you have. In the 30-Day Home Detox, I will be spending about 15 minutes a day on a task. It’s all about finding a schedule that works for you!

Now, I have a pile of “stuff” that’s calling me. I guess it’s time to put feet to my words!






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