The Week in Review 5/30/10
The week started with a BBQ on Sunday, May 30, with about 40 of us. We had the typical Memorial Day fare with hamburgers and hot dogs… and of course, ice cream. That’s almost a given when you come to our house.
Not much happened that was picture-worthy during the week until Friday when we went to my sister in law’s for supper. I always feel as if I’m at a resort when I go to their place. Saturday, we went to a lovely tea party with its theme being international. Serenity was dressed Chinese, I was from Mexico and Audrey was Heidi/peasant girl. East Indian & French We…
The Week in Review 5/23/10
Before I start my week in review, I want to give honor to those who fought and gave their lives in service to our country – a very great price to pay. May we never forget them. Monday was the day we said goodbye to Zachary’s cello teacher he’s had for the last year. She’s moving and will be pursuing her doctorate in cello. She was a good teacher for Zachary. As we’ve had different teachers over the years, I can say that you definitely need to find a teacher that’s a good fit for your child. We had our end of year awards at 4-H. This is Zachary’s last year to be…
As we neared the street corner, before entering the highway, I caught a glimpse of a cardboard box. Thinking it was a notice for a garage sale, I gave it a quick glance-over. Then I did a double-take. Did I read what I think I just read? I’m hoping I’m not the one that be a findin’ it.
Reversible Tote Bag
I guess I was feeling rather crafty last week and so when I took Serenity to buy some fabric for a skirt, I became inspired to make a reversible tote bag. I found a very helpful tutorial here at Crafster – http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=91070.0. It did take a little while an entire day to complete but I prevailed and actually have a completed reversible tote bag. Yeah! Besides the time involved, I have about $6 invested in this tote. If I can make this, I know you could, too. I think this lined bag is pretty cute – http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=32204.0. Maybe for my Audrey?
The Week in Review – 5/16/10
This past week was spent with our guests from Canada, Michigan & Tucson. Farm chores still had to be completed. One morning Audrey carried the compost bucket out to the compost pile wearing her brother’s too big shoes. I just had to snap this picture because it warmed my heart to see her outside working, enjoying her job. I am so thankful that we can live a rural lifestyle with our menagerie of animals, making us feel like we have a farm. The boys even filmed a short “movie” in which they all brainstormed the script and which is now being edited by Mitch. Wesley acted out the part of…