The Week in Review – 6/20 – 7/6/10
We’re home safe and sound after traveling 4200 miles to Ohio and back. What a wonderful time we had; I could have stayed gone longer. The church camp services were wonderful and of course, seeing old friends is always a treat.
Notice the big smiles. This is the BEFORE picture – the afternoon we left Arizona and headed for Ohio. We drove 24 hours and then got a hotel room the next night.
Camp was a time for cousins to be reunited…
There were so many activities that the kids could be involved in.
Chess & checker games… These girls are from the Ukraine and they were playing checkers the Ukrainian way which was very different.
Seth won both chess games he played.
All the craft activities are optional but my little ones love them and there are plenty of older ones who do them, too. One day the girls made hair bows. Audrey picked her ribbon color…
and after completing her bow she decided to add a flower to it.
The next day there were trains to glue together and paint.
Another day was tic-tac-toe boards which they sanded and painted. There is even a storage area on the sides of the board where their marbles are stored.
They decorated their own camp T-shirts.
Seth spent time in the kitchen every day washing trays.
Some of the husbands spent a little time pushing the broom…
while we ladies worked awhile in the kitchen.
We appreciate smiling help…
and people who aren’t afraid of a lot of dirty dishes. Hey, maybe you could come home with me and do my dishes? Oh, wait a minute. Is that my son, MY SON washing dishes and his cousin rinsing??? I’m one lucky momma now that I know what skills you’ve been hiding.
My dear niece…
my humorous brother-in-law…
my sister and her daughter…
This girl played the part of Miss Vanity in a skit performed by the youth. She used a 2-liter bottle inside her hair. I thought she was pretty ingenious since she was the one who thought of this idea to liven up her part.
My boys are always involved in the volleyball games.
Fellowship was sweet…
After a week of camp and an overnight stay at a friends house, it was time to head home. Serenity made this neck pillow in one of the sewing classes but Justus thought it looked pretty nice as a beard…
but Audrey thought it looked better as a hair ornament.
We had breakfast like we always do when travelling – at a park, or in this case a school.
Wesley looking like he’s doing a mix of yoga and “Peace, brother”.
And finally, my very last picture. My friend serving up snacks of apples and celery with peanut butter.
Whew! that was a lot of pictures to post. I actually took over 500 pictures so I was pretty kind to you in posting ONLY 28 photos. (smiles) I had such a nice time on our trip. We left my Seth behind in Ohio. He’ll be there the rest of the summer working. I’m getting through the laundry slowly and trying to get back in the groove of making meals. Sometimes, as much as I like to cook, I just get tired of the dailiness of it. Do you ever feel this way?
I actually stayed up till 10:30 p.m. last night washing dishes. I’m considering working on my control journal again that I started when I heard about Flylady. My life has a different routine to it than it did a few years ago, so I need to make some changes to it.
That’s all for now.
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