The Week in Review – 6/13/10
Zachary is now a licensed driver. He’s 18, so if any of you have children that do not have their license and think they’re the only one not to have it at this great age, you can tell them about my son.
Zachary was good about it and never complained but we just waited since insurance is so high and funds weren’t. Seth arrived home without all the hoopla I was wanting. As a matter-of-fact we were 30 minutes late picking him up from the airport. His plane was supposed to be later but than they arrived sooner than they had announced. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be late. Not us.…
My Son is Coming Home!
I am so excited! My Seth is coming home tomorrow from his month-in-a-half stay in Manitoba, Canada. He’s been staying with his aunt and uncle and working. He bought himself a camera before he went so I’ll try to post some of the highlights of his trip shortly. Audrey was pretty excited when I told her Seth would be here in 2 nights. “Seth likes to tickle me,” she said, and I guess she must like that pretty much because she was sure happy to hear about his return. We want to write “Welcome Home, Seth” on the side of our Suburban so that when Seth walks out of baggage…
Button Jar Toppers
I just love these fun and let’s not forget easy crafts (I need easy) I find from my fellow bloggers. I originally saw these in a book but I found a tutorial online that showed step by step instructions that I ended up following. I used cotton balls as my filler. One thing I wished I had done differently is to spray paint the brass rings a black color. But since I didn’t, I’m giving myself all the reasons why it’s better I did it this way.
I can’t find the exact tutorial I followed but here’s one that will explain the process. Pincushion Jar Tutorial at Little Paper…
The Week in Review – 6/6/10
The big attraction around our place has been Sandi, which is the name Serenity chose for her new puppy. Sandi seems to be enthralled with her new owners as well. Is it any wonder? She’s carried around like royalty (on this day anyways
) on her big cushy pillow. Once in a while the kids will even let her walk on her own. But Sandi shows her loyalty and runs after Miss Audrey, just as fast as her little 4″ legs will carry her. She runs and runs until Miss Audrey is convinced she must be exhausted. So, while she rides her bike, daddy is given the charge of…
My New DIY Thread Rack
I’ve been wanting a thread rack – you know the thingamajig I’m talking about right? It’s a rack that holds all your sewing thread and not only are you able to readily see what colors you have on hand, you actually have a storage area for all your thread. I wasn’t really sure how to make one but thanks to Sugar Bee and her Thread Rack Tutorial I was able to see that it is quite possible to make your own. So, using some of that pink pegboard my brother-in-law gave us, I had my son… cut it to the exact dimensions for the area in which it would hang…