My New Menu Planning Board
I don’t consider myself to be really crafty. My projects probably look a little cheesy next to some of these gals but I have my fun, so bear with me.
I’ve been doing some changing around here, changing the living room and now working on the kitchen. I’m just that way – Rearranging the furniture is my favorite thing but because of the layout of our rooms sometimes it just doesn’t work. So occasionally I just change out little decorations but I’ve even hit a snag with that in the last year or maybe even longer. I’ve had no inspiration. No enthusiasm or interest. Then I was inspired by……
The Week in Review 8/1/10
We’re feeling like a small family these days now that another son has left for 6 weeks. Zachary flew to Manitoba, Canada to the same place Seth was at a few months ago. He’ll be working with his uncle doing construction. I’m missing my boys but I’m glad they have this opportunity. Life won’t always be so carefree, so it’s a nice opportunity for them and great memories. A penpal of Serenity’s came and stayed for a few days. This was Serenity’s first time to meet Roseanna in person. What’s amazing about this sweet girl is the doctors told her parents when she was 8 that she had only 10…
A Breakfast Tablescape
Have you ever heard of tablescapes? I never had until the other day when I found the blog Between Naps on the Porch. Just what is a tablescape? Here's one definition from Suite101.com. Definition of Tablescape While you may be hard pressed to locate the definition of "tablescape" in a traditional dictionary, the functional meaning of tablescape in the catering, entertaining, and decorating industries refers to all of the decorating elements that you amass on your table to create a vignette. In a practical sense, this definition does not refer to the salt and pepper shakers on the table, but rather, to the decorating aspect of the tabletop. If you…
The Week in Review 7/25/10
Audrey, the little farm-girl, walks to the chicken coop every morning to collect the wonderful eggs the hens have layed. But as she returns from the gathering of the eggs, she spy’s something in the grass… something right at her feet… Set down your eggs, little lady, and look at it a little closer… Oh, it’s a delicate little mushroom. Alas for the tan colored ‘shroom it is given only a cursory glance before being cast from the yard. Now the little farmer girl can continue on her way… glancing hither and yon for more curiosities… The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. ~Dorothy Parker
Additional Thoughts on Teaching the Right Brain Child
Some more thoughts came to me since I wrote Tuesday’s post on Teaching the Right Brain Child that I felt might be beneficial to add. Right brain thinkers begin to feel dumb if they continue to have difficulties throughout their school years. Most textbooks (if not all) are written for left brain thinkers so it will take some searching to find books that you can use for your homeschooling adventure that will work for the right brain child who struggles. Dianne says, “They love it when you show them how to learn so that things stick instead of slip. Help them get in touch with the smart part of themselves. When you learn to ‘teach to…