This is the Beginning of a New Day
God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important because I’m exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something I have traded for it. I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil, success, not failure – in order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it – Author Unknown
The Week in Review 8/15/10
Not always, but once in a while we get away to a spot that is so lovely with its natural beauty as well as refreshing in its coolness. That’s where we went for Wesley’s birthday. We’re a little unconventional when it comes to swimming… Do you think you would like to be our friends?
but we do have a great time. Grilled pizzas anyone? An Italian themed supper was the fare for some friends who came for supper. Audrey helped me prepare the mint tea by cutting the leaves off the stem. (This was an experiment to see if it made any difference in the taste of the tea versus…
Wesley's Turning 15
Today I have a son who’s turning 15. I can’t believe it! It feels as if they are growing up too quickly. Here are a few um, make that a lot of pictures from this past year. Excuse me while I reminisce.
Hunting and hunting camp is always a big thrill for him… After all, he is very social… He’s not afraid to try the unusual on his dinner plate… And Scrabble, although so very educational, is an exercise in patience when playing with him. We wait, wait and wait some more as he finds that perfect word… He sometimes is a little too enthusiastic in his pursuits… We know…
The Week in Review 8-8-10
Rocket building – a father/son project… or was it more a father project with the son observing? I thought you all might enjoy seeing a peek into our used book business. We sell online and of course, we have to store all those books somewhere. They have now taken over our basement. The shelves were built just for the books so we are able to organize and locate them quickly when we list and subsequently, when we sell them. When we built our home 14 years ago, we had to use 120 sticks of dynamite to blast out our living site. It was solid rock as evidenced by this picture.…
My Chinese Tablescape
Preparing a Chinese meal this week of Won Ton Soup and an Orange Beef served over rice, I decided to try a Chinese Tablescape. Kinda, sorta. I guess it’s probably more a Chinese/American tablescape. I think I need to be on the lookout for some inexpensive Chinese bowls, plates and other goodies since Chinese cuisine is not completely unheard of around here. This small wood carving we purchased in China when my husband and I were there 20 years ago this month. The Oriental Poppies I won in a drawing along with the placemat it is setting on. Won Ton Soup that was quite good but not like Mr. Tim’s.…