A Drive-by Gender Reveal Party – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How We Wonder What You Are

Well as things go, my daughter who was married back in 2019 in a beautiful field by our home, is going to have a baby. What an absolute thrill for us.
We received a little wrapped package in the mail. Inside was a note attached to a baby pacifier announcing the special news. ♥
Serenity decided to have a gender reveal party. Now I never did find out what I was having. All 6 times it was a complete surprise and so far all my children have opted to be surprised too.
But my daughter and my son-in-law wanted to know. Serenity decided to go with a twinkle twinkle little star theme for her party and we had so much fun planning it.

I flew to Serenity’s earlier in the week so that we could prepare all the desserts. We had decided to just serve drinks and mini desserts.
Well, with Covid, it caused a wrinkle… some were concerned about it, others were in quarantine so…. we decided to just roll with it and we planned a drive by gender reveal party. It ended up being so much fun!

We had the party at their church fellowship hall. When family arrived at the church and turned into the driveway they were given a menu. They were to check off all the items they wanted.

When they flipped the card over, there were the drink selections.

After turning in and receiving their menu, they made their way to the Diaper Station Raffle. To enter the raffle you had to bring a package of diapers and you were entered into a drawing for a $40 Amazon gift card.

The Italian soda bar was something Serenity has been really wanting to do at a party so this was her opportunity.

After each car picked up their drinks, they drove to our station where they picked up their selection of desserts.

Serenity had printed off an Old Wives Tales poster.

We tried to make desserts that we could use the twinkle twinkle theme and also blue and pink colors.

Serenity and her mother-in-law made the cutest little chocolate Bibles. Printed on paper was the verse, “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

They were adorable.

So glad we could participate in this fun event.

Adjacent to the fellowship hall was a field where we gathered after everyone had had their fill of sweet treats.

We were ready to set those smoke bombs and confetti cannons off!

I was so busy trying to get my confetti canon to go off that it took me awhile to realize IT WAS PINK!

It was a fun day. I loved helping and making the mini desserts. When do we ever get the chance to operate a drive through? We did with this kind of shower and I had the best time doing it.
Looking forward to meeting Grandbaby #7! It will be such a special occasion. There is going to be some serious snuggling going on let me tell you!