Castle Keepers,  Inspirational

A Motto to Live By

Bloom where you are planted.

Such a simple line but the meaning behind that thought can have so many applications. It doesn’t matter matter where you are in life; you have a choice to make on whether you will be happy or not, whether you will bloom or choose to be something far less than you could be.

The Castle Keeper girls have been voting on a motto for our club and the winner was “Bloom where you are planted.”

We are now going to have t-shirts made up with this saying printed on the back. I like it!

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The CK girls are great examples of someone choosing to bloom where they are planted. They are wonderful girls and are great examples of femininity and grace. They have chosen to embrace where they are in life – right now. They are making the choice to “bloom” in their homes and in their workplaces but they are looking forward to one day having their own “castle” and are not dreading or taking that lightly. They know it is the most honorable thing they could ever do.

Everyday we have a choice to make. We can choose to moan and groan about the tasks that are placed before us (for the millionth time) or we can choose to embrace them  and do them heartily as to the Lord. The task will still need to be done whether we choose to do it joyfully or grudgingly but it sure will make it more pleasant if we choose the right thing.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord… Colossians 3:23


But perhaps it’s not a task that has us groaning. Maybe it’s our lot in life at this present moment. Our life seems dull, boring, unfulfilling and unimportant. So we sit in the mulligrubs not finding the joys that can be found around us if we choose to just look.

I heard someone say once that if you go around the corner and fall down and then you go around the corner and fall down and then you go around the corner and fall down… just quit going around the corner.

To quit going around the corner we have to do something different.  Maybe we need to change our thinking.

 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ… II Corinthians 10:5


We can practice thankfulness and gratitude for where we are and what we have to do. I experienced this recently when I was sick with vertigo and sciatica.  I was so happy to be able to do all the tasks that normally would have been just so routine – daily and ordinary. It’s all perspective.



and something else to think about…

“Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but actually you’ve been planted.”


Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.  Phillipians 4:11


  • Mary

    Great thoughts! Sometimes it can seem like we do the same things week after week but,I too was down for a while, and it makes you appreciate having that ability and be the one able to be a keeper of your own home.

  • Lucille

    Love this, Elisabeth, and what treasures you and others are taking the time to teach those girls. Nothing like getting to be in and serving those in our own little castle homes.

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