I was so sure I would be done with moving things into the new pantry but it’s taking longer than I expected since this pantry affects the other pantry.
Really pantry is not a good name for my room. Maybe you all can help me name it. There will be no food in it but it will have equipment, supplies (paper products, serving implements, platters, etc.) tablecloths and cloth napkins. It’s a storeroom but I want it to sound cuter than that.
Help me out here?
The pantry is long and narrow. At the far end of the pantry I wanted some pegboard to hang my extra cooking utensils, ice bucket and a very large bowl I have.

Strips of wood were placed on the wall for the pegboard to be screwed into.

But you’ll have to wait to see the finished wall. 🙂
Then we had to finish the area where my tablecloths will hang and closet rod brackets were screwed into place.

And here’s a little sneak peak of what I’ve been doing in the “Storeroom”. (Remember, help me out with a name. 🙂 )
This was an old wire basket my husband picked up from one of our rentals. He couldn’t imagine me wanting it since it was all rusty but I told him that it added to its overall look of charm.
It was quite rusty so I added some material to the inside and placed miscellaneous plastic cutlery into it. All my kids were wondering what the numbers were supposed to mean. They didn’t really care that it was the trend right now but wanted to know what purpose it served. haha
So to make it more acceptable I told them forks were at 1, spoons at 2 and knives at 3.

This is one of my favorite shelves in the pantry.

And I had to add a little chalkboard to the pegboard.
“Never trust a skinny chef.”

And Monday I hope to be able to show you the entire pantry, storeroom, room!
Hi Elisabeth,
Great storage area! Since it seems you have a plentiful supply, how about The Abundant Room? Or Abundance Hall if you’re feeling a bit royal? 🙂 You are the queen of your castle!!
I had to laugh when I read your suggestions. It is a royal room, for sure. Good to hear from you!
Party supply depot…. Storage cubbyhole….pantry a la carte…well I’m not too creative in that way but looks like it’s gonna be a great asset to you and another thing to add to all your organization lately 🙂
Great suggestions! Thank you for helping me out!! I’m really going to be out of excuses for not being organized, aren’t I? 🙂
Jenett Petty- Harris
How about Elisabeth’s Party Supplies.
Congrats on the new addition. Love the way it is looking. What about calling it the Essential(s) room? Or larder (it sounds old-fashioned):)
The Vault…or…Fort Knox…or…The Fortress of Solitude (just in case things get crazy around the house and you need to hide out for a bit) You could call it “The Fortress” for short. lol! 😀
Jessica DeLong
I’ve always heard of a “Butler’s Pantry” perhaps this is what you have? This is a partial definition from Wikipedia “A butler’s pantry or serving pantry is a utility room in a large house, primarily used to store serving items, rather than food. Traditionally, a butler’s pantry was used for storage, cleaning and counting of silver.”
I left out the part where the butler slept in there to keep the silver safe! You surely could call it a “Serving Pantry”. It looks wonderful!