Inspirational,  Sunday Inspiration,  Words of Life

Taste and See

The following is a little story taken from a sermon William Branham preached in 1953 called “Show Us the Father and It’ll Satisfy Us”

People who are taught that there is no such a thing as the Holy Spirit, don’t know what they’re talking about. Like that boy once peeling an apple, and was asked by an infidel, debating a meeting. He said, “What do you want, what do you want up here?”

He said, “I want to ask you a question.” While he was eating the apple and enjoying it, a very simple, sort of, looked like a delinquent person with the hair hanging in his face, and one tooth out in front, and an old, dirty overall jacket on, he said, “Just one question I want to ask you.”

The infidel had just said, “There is no such a thing as God. It’s all emotion. There’s nonsense to it, is all it is.”

And the boy said, “I want to ask you a question, mister. Is this apple sweet or sour?”

He said, “Well, how do I know? I’m not eating it.”

He said, “That’s just what I thought,” walked right back.

How do you know, when you haven’t tasted the Lord?  How do you know, when you’ve never received the Holy Ghost, whether He’s real or whether He is not?

-William Branham

Taken from “Show Us the Father and It’ll Satisfy Us”  1953

One Comment

  • Jacqueline

    Thanks for your fun visit. Yes, we are from Utah, love Lake Powell, but wish we were a little closer. Hope you are not dying from the heat, I felt like I was today as I tried to get ready for a party in the garden. We got it done though. Have a great week.

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