Our Family

The Week in Review – 7/11/10

Monsoons are starting to hit Arizona.  I hear some thunder occasionally, the sky is overcast and there’s a cool breeze gently wafting over me as I type this post.  It’s lovely.  It has been quite hot here but not near as scorching as in Phoenix.  Just this past Friday, Phoenix was 117° but thankfully we don’t live in Phoenix.  We were actually 50° cooler than Phoenix where we live.

We left our home Friday just when things were finally starting to cool down because of the monsoons, descended the mountain into Phoenix arriving in Tucson where we spent the weekend.

Friday night was graduation night for some fellow homeschoolers…

I couldn’t resist taking this picture.  My niece reminded me of Mary Jane from Mary Jane Farms.

With those boots are she’s ready to do business 🙂

There’s always something new happening in my sister’s kitchen.  A new one this time for me was juiced Wheat Grass that had pineapple and some other juice added to it.

This is an old favorite –  lemon grass tea.

Oh, dear.  The things your kids do that you don’t know about till you see your pictures!

Have a good week, my friends.

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