
What Does a Charlotte Mason Education Look Like?

I think a CM (Charlotte Mason) education will look different in each persons home simply because we each have different demands upon our time.  We are the teachers, while also being mother, wife, homemaker, friend, and _________. (You fill in the blank.)  Also, to be able to homeschool exactly as Miss Mason suggested would be almost impossible. 

She encouraged mothers to take their youngsters out each day, not send them out, but to go with them outside for at least a few hours each day.  In her schools they taught 6 days per week.   Can you see from these two suggestions how it might not be possible to fully adhere to her ideas? 

Even though we may not be able to follow her ideas completely, there are common threads that you will find in those who are trying to follow Miss Mason’s educational philosophy.

Some of these are:

Nature Study – where we increase our knowledge of, and appreciation for God’s creation

Outdoors – not only during Nature Study but for exercise and fresh air

Artist Appreciation – Studying great works of art

Music Appreciation – Learning hymns/folksongs, listening to the works of great composers and maybe even learning about their lives

Living Books – Reading books from authors who were passionate about their subject, making the subject come alive for those who read – Not textbooks which offer only dry morsels of information

Handicrafts – Learning useful skills that will benefit the child always

Narration – Through pictures, oral or written.  This is such a wonderful tool to help your child’s concentration, comprehension, ability to convey his thoughts as well as composition.

Copywork and Dictation – To learn punctuation and spelling, while practicing handwriting skills.  Passages taken from books that were written well

Short Lessons – This is to encourage them to apply themselves for the time they have to the subject at hand.  15, 20, 30, 45 minutes, depending on the ages of your child

Habits – Helping your child form and keep good habits, one at a time.

I may have missed a few (if I did, please be sure to leave a comment ) but these are some of the hallmarks of a Charlotte Mason method of education.

Next, I hope to go through some of these and show you how I apply them in our homeschool.

Who was Charlotte Mason?


  • kellieann

    I have always appreciated her philosophies and have tried to incorporate some of her ideas here and there. I particularly like the idea of short lessons. =)

  • bubbebobbie

    I think you set that down very well. It isn't easy to get what books have written down into a few sentences. But you succeeded!

    My favorite part of Charlotte Mason has always been the "you go with them" part.

    Because of Jesus, Bobbie

  • EagleHeights

    I can't WAIT to read more. Keep it comin', sis! As I "ease" into the Charlotte Mason Method, I find myself enthused, inspired and….. completely overwhelmed! How does one accomplish fitting everything in AND keep up with the house work, and all the other millions of other things required of me???

    Waiting for more posts on this subject,

    Your faithful fan,


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